Senin, 27 Juli 2015



The Importance of Early Childhood Education

      Nowadays, education becomes top priority or necessity that must be owned by people. They compete to achieve higher education in order to be successful in this modern age. Parents also have prepared their children by supplying them proper education from earlier. They send their children in qualified schools starting from kindergarten, elementary, junior high school, high school up to high-level education such as university or other high schools. This is a good thing. However, they forget that early childhood education is also known by PAUD is essential. In fact, the authors dare to say that the early childhood education plays an important role in determining their success in the future. To be clearer, here are the two paragraphs that discuss the importance of early childhood education for children.
      The first reason why early childhood education is very important is that it prepares children’ mental before they enter the real period of education. Commonly, children under five are still stiff even scared by the new atmosphere and the new people around them. Therefore they need to be introduced by the schools situation and also new people who will they meet such as teachers, friends and others. This will make them accustomed to learning in the classroom so that they do not feel odd or even shocked to learn in elementary school.
      The next point makes it important is early childhood education can help children discover and develop their potencies. Those Potencies such as reading, counting, speaking and others will improve well. It happens because their age that still less than five years called as a golden age. At that time, their brains are still developing well so that they are able to receive all of the lessons they learned. Even in this golden age will determine what they will be in the future.
      In short, early childhood education is necessary for children under age of five years before entering the real school period. Early childhood education helps them to introduce the school and also helps them develop their potencies. Parents should send their children into early childhood education (PAUD) first before sending them to Elementary School.

The Name of Days


The Second,
Saya akan posting tentang nama-nama hari dalam bahasa Inggris.
Ada 7 hari dalam 1 minggu. Yuk kita belajar, ada dibawah cara membacanya ya..

            NAMA HARI DIBACA
MINGGU SUNDAY / 'sʌndei /
SENIN MONDAY / ' mʌndei /
SELASA TUESDAY / 'tju:zdei /
RABU WEDNESDAY / 'wenzdei /
KAMIS THURSDAY / 'θȝ:zdei /
JUMAT FRIDAY / 'fraidei /
SABTU SATURDAY / 'sætәdei /

Kata Dasar


Pertama kali saya akan posting tentang huruf Alphabet dan cara membaca dalam bahasa Inggris yah. Karena huruf Alphabet ini berguna untuk pemula dalam belajar bahasa Inggris.
Huruf Alphabet bahasa Inggris ada 26 huruf. Dan huruf Alphabet terbagi menjadi dua bagian, yaitu :
1. Huruf Vowel
    Dalam bahasa Indonesia disebut huruf Vokal. Terdiri dari 5 huruf, yaitu a, i, u, e dan o.
2, Huruf Consonant
    Dalam bahasa Indonesia disebut huruf Konsonan. Terdiri dari 21 huruf (selain huruf Vowel ya).
Berikut ini adalah cara membaca huruf Alphabet. Selamat mencoba ^_^

Aa / ei / Nn / en /
Bb / bi: / Oo / ƏƱ /
Cc / si: / Pp / pi: / 
Dd / di: / Qq / kju: /
Ee / i: / Rr / a: (r) /
Ff / ef / Ss / es /
Gg / dȝi:/ Tt / ti: /
Hh / eitʃ / Uu / ju: /
Ii / ai / Vv / vi: /
Jj / dȝei / Ww /'dɅblju: /
Kk / kei / Xx / eks /
Ll / el / Yy / wai /
Mm / em / Zz / zed /

Yuk kita dengarkan pengucapan huruf alphabetnya di video berikut ini . . .